About Future Media Sales
Future Media Sales launched in 2012 to become the most reliable newspaper subscription sales vendor
and the most valued industry consultant in Los Angeles County. Our team has a combined 40 years of
experience in the newspaper industry.
Our biggest client is the Los Angeles News Group, which serves nearly 1.5 million readers a day
with nine daily newspapers. LANG is owned and operated by MediaNews Group, one of the largest
newspaper companies in the U.S.
Our Future Media Sales team recognizes that a growing majority of the news audience is comfortable
with digital subscription models and getting its news online. Another segment of the news audience,
though, is more comfortable with print.
Future Media Sales is positioned to market to both audience segments. We offer newspaper sales
programs that take advantage of digital news trends and the easing of Alliance for Audited Media
(formerly Audit Bureau of Circulation) guidelines.
One of these programs could meet your financial or circulation objectives:
• Door-to-door newspaper sales
• Newspaper fundraising sales
• Newspaper “bundled” sales
and the most valued industry consultant in Los Angeles County. Our team has a combined 40 years of
experience in the newspaper industry.
Our biggest client is the Los Angeles News Group, which serves nearly 1.5 million readers a day
with nine daily newspapers. LANG is owned and operated by MediaNews Group, one of the largest
newspaper companies in the U.S.
Our Future Media Sales team recognizes that a growing majority of the news audience is comfortable
with digital subscription models and getting its news online. Another segment of the news audience,
though, is more comfortable with print.
Future Media Sales is positioned to market to both audience segments. We offer newspaper sales
programs that take advantage of digital news trends and the easing of Alliance for Audited Media
(formerly Audit Bureau of Circulation) guidelines.
One of these programs could meet your financial or circulation objectives:
• Door-to-door newspaper sales
• Newspaper fundraising sales
• Newspaper “bundled” sales